Feel Great System

9 Febuary 2023

Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals with Yerba Mate: A Natural Approach

Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals with Yerba Mate: A Natural Approach

  • The Impact of Yerba Mate on Appetite
  • Yerba Mate and Weight Management
  • Unicity's Unimate: The Best Clean and Organic Yerba Mate Supplement:
  • Integrating Unimate into Your Weight Loss Routine
  • The Potential of Yerba Mate Weight Loss
  • Conclusion

The Impact of Yerba Mate on Appetite

Numerous studies have investigated the effects of this South American holy tea on appetite regulation, particularly concerning feelings of hunger, fullness, and desire to eat. A study conducted by Dr Stephanie Kung, Robert K. Poon, and Dr Erin Glynn from Unicity International explored the acute appetite responses to Unimate, a yerba mate supplement, compared to a flavour-matched placebo drink. Participants in the study rated their appetite-related measures following Unimate or Placebo consumption.

The findings indicated that Unimate had a notable impact on appetite suppression. Participants reported a decrease in desire to eat, feelings of hunger, and perceived capacity to eat, while feelings of fullness increased. Notably, the desire to eat was significantly reduced at 15, 30, and 45 minutes after consuming Unimate, compared to baseline (0 min). The results suggest that Unimate's key components, including caffeine, chlorogenic acid, theobromine, and mate saponins, contribute to appetite control.

Yerba Mate and Weight Management

The positive effects of this Green Mate on appetite regulation make it an appealing natural approach for weight management. By curbing feelings of hunger and promoting a sense of fullness, it may help individuals adhere to healthier eating patterns and portion control. Additionally, Yerba Mate's potential to regulate gastric emptying and influence hormones like glucagon-like peptide 1 and leptin may further contribute to its role in weight management.

Unicity's Unimate: The Best Clean and Organic Yerba Mate Supplement

When considering herbal infusion for weight loss, it's crucial to choose a high-quality product. Unicity's energising herbal brew stands out as a clean and organic Yerba Mate supplement, carefully crafted to preserve the integrity of the Yerba Mate plant's beneficial components. This product is free from artificial additives and excessive sugars, ensuring that you experience the true essence of traditional herbal infusion in its purest form.

Integrating Unimate into Your Weight Loss Routine

To achieve your weight loss goals with this traditional South American beverage, consider incorporating this smart energy drink into your daily routine:

  • Start Your Day with Unimate: Begin your mornings with a refreshing cup of Unimate to boost energy levels and reduce early-day cravings.
  • Suppress Mid-day Hunger: Combat afternoon cravings and prevent unhealthy snacking by enjoying Unimate as a mid-day appetite suppressant.
  • Pre-Workout Boost: Consume Unimate before your workouts to enhance energy and focus, supporting your exercise routine.
  • Aiding Portion Control: Sip on Unimate during meals to promote a sense of fullness and aid portion control.
  • A Versatile Beverage: Experiment with Unimate by trying it hot, iced, or even blended with other natural ingredients for a delightful twist.

The Potential of Yerba Mate Weight Loss

While Unimate's preliminary study supports the potential of this herbal drink for appetite control, further research is warranted. A larger randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial can provide deeper insights into Yerba Mate's impact on weight loss and overall well-being. Nonetheless, the long-standing cultural significance and growing scientific evidence make this drink an exciting natural approach to complement your weight management efforts.


Yerba Mate, a herbal infusion with a rich cultural heritage, offers a natural and promising approach to support weight loss. Unicity's Unimate, a clean and organic Yerba Mate supplement, harnesses the power of key components from the Yerba Mate plant to enhance appetite control. Incorporating it into your daily routine can be a valuable addition to your weight loss journey, promoting healthier eating habits and portion control. As you sip on Unimate, remember that this cherished herbal beverage carries a legacy of friendship and community, transcending borders and uniting people with its delightful flavour and potential for overall well-being.